eBooks by Gerald Donaldson

Saturday, April 11, 2020


Video with commentary by Murray Walker and James Hunt


Ayrton Senna's historic victory In the European Grand Prix at Donnington took place on April 11, 1993. Rain made the track treacherous and Senna's first lap and race domination went down in Formula 1 legend. 

Nigel Roebuck: "After Schumacher's clumsy attempt to usher him off the road in the opening seconds, Senna was instantly back at the Benetton driver, taking him through the first corner, then passing Wendlinger through the Craner Curves in a move to make you gasp. By the end of that opening lap, he had also dealt with both Williams drivers and was in the lead. People use the word 'awesome' with fatuous ease these days, but that's what it was."

James Hunt in his newspaper column described it this way...
"His command of the race was absolute. While the changing weather caught out many drivers it provided Senna with the opportunity to use his superior skills to overcome the handicap of not having the best car. The win was set up by the most sensational first lap I can remember in a Grand Prix. Displaying pure genius in mastering the constantly changing track conditions his brilliant driving was matched by superb tactics. One wonders how Prost was ever regarded as the master tactitian. Senna saved the final, crushing humiliation for the post-race press conference (with 2nd and 3rd Williams pair Hill and Prost) There, a rather sheepish Prost cited a variety of technical trivia (incorrect tyre pressures, faulty gearbox, difficult clutch) by way of excuse. Senna, with incisive timing, quietly suggested that perhaps Prost would like to swap cars."

- from Formual 1 The Autobiography

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