eBooks by Gerald Donaldson

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

James Hunt: The Biography Back Story

Biography Back Story...
"Donaldson, you bastard! You had me in tears!" This is how James Hunt first introduced himself to me when we met in the paddock at Silverstone. He had just read my biography of Gilles Villeneuve and found it moving. He asked me what my next book might be. When I suggested 'The Hunt Memoirs' he said no, because he wouldn't want his "little men" (his term for his young sons) to learn about their decadent Dad. However, he asked me to work with him on his newspaper column, which I did for several years. Eventually, we planned to work together on his life story, but when his life ended so suddenly and unexpectedly I had to write it without him.

James Hunt (in typical attire) chats with F1Speedwriter in the Hungaroring paddock (photo K Mehes)

Here's a link to James Hunt The biography...

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